Welcome to Brunner & Associates, Inc.

Our passion is helping individuals and organizations to be all they can be.


Brunner & Associates, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in helping organizations and individuals with strategic planning, coaching, and other organizational and management issues. We also provide facilitation services to organizations and groups, helping them to address issues and reach agreement on important matters.






Simple Wisdom Tip #153: Don't Wish It Was Easier

Successful businessman, author, and speaker Jim Rohn often said, “Don’t wish it was easier; wish you were better.”   Wow!  What wisdom!  How often do we wish things were easier?  Rather than struggling to figure things out, to get things done more efficiently, etc., we wish things were easier to do.  But Jim says that is the easy way out.  A better solution is to wish you and I were better.  And, long term, if we get better, things get better for us!


It is a challenge, but if we can do it – and change our attitude as well – it will pay dividends for us for the rest of our lives.  Why don’t you give it a try?  Beginning…… now! 







Simple Wisdom Tip #152: Develop Good Habits

Do you ever think about the importance of the habits you develop and how much they influence your life?  Some say one’s habits determine up to 90% of a person’s success.  As Jim Rohn used to say, good habits are hard to make but easy to keep while bad habits are easy to make but hard to break.  Why not devote the next month to establishing a positive, productive habit whether it is exercising regularly, managing your email better, or improving your follow-up skills?  Beginning one productive habit now will change the rest of your life!


See chapter 1 of my book, Absorbing The Wisdom, on how to do this.